
Hi guys.

Flle found at C:\ Program files\ FLVPlayer\Uninstall’\Uninstall.exe

Suggestions are welcome, thanks in advance!

Best regards, Hermie

Windows Vista


this could be a False Positive.

Can you upload the file on this Site and post the link from the adress bar here: virustotal.com

PUP is not false positive as it is not a malware detection
PUP = not a virus / Possible Unwanted Program
And FLVplayer is known to have some crapware bundled with it

OK. Thanks for that Info.

I havent know.
My Grandpa had FLVPlayer on its PC years ago, i forgot about that.
Also Malwarebytes has more aggressive Pup Detections now.

We had Norton that time on the PC and it blocked an web Attack when i opened FLV Player.
I uninstalled that after that.

Thanks for the replies so far.
How to proceed?

Regards, Hermie

well it is up to you if you want it or not…

Applian FLV Player Does Not Respect Opt Out on Third Party Products


Just to say Norton blocked an Attack as my Grandpa had it installed some years ago.
And it is marked as instable by Norton Insight (it is crashing 1 time or more per week).

With the newest version there are no alerts from Norton.

Morning guys.

Not clear to me, can I have MBAM delete this detection?

I’m currently working on different computers (my wife’s one, my brother’s one, a couple of myself).
Different issues @ different pc’s, such as PUP issues, WIFI issue, storage capacity issue.

Olay, how to proceed?

I do look forward to help/advice, thanks in advance.

Best regards, Hermie

Hermie you can delete FLVPlayer via the “Remove Programs And Features” ( Windows uninstall ) if a player is needed to be re-installed then VLC Player would be a better and more capable and trusted choice imo.

Not clear to me, can I have MBAM delete this detection?
anything MBAM detect is safe to remove.... and you can always restore it from MBAM quarantine if you need to

Hi there, detection is listed in my MBAM log of yesterday.
(no further action was taken)
How do I get it removed/deleted by MBAM? (transfer to quarantaine)

How do I get it removed/deleted by MBAM? (transfer to quarantaine)
update MBAM...run quick scan.... click remove selected

Thanks for the replies.
I did a quick scan, no detection.
Complete scan, detection, which I deleted with MBAM.
Thanks for help!

Regards, Hermie

Morning! After removing RealPlayer:
Complete scan this morning: detection PUP.Optional.InstallCore.A (file)
Location: C:\ProgramFiles\FLVPlayer\Uninstall\Uninstall.exe
Put into quarantaine plus removed, then I had to restart the computer.


You can use http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php for reporting potential false positive (archive or site wrong detections), but I think PUP is PUP…

PUP by some could also be Acceptable by others.
Sometimes, the user actually has to make that decision. :slight_smile: