PUPs Found (Possible False Positives?)

MBAM found these two PUPs (Avast scan came up clean).

FRST scans also attached.

P.S. Sorry, I forgot to reply on a previous thread about my mouse freezing a few weeks ago. The computer seems to have resolved this issue itself and it no longer happens since at least a couple of weeks (and also has no relation to the above findings).

MBAM found these two PUPs (Avast scan came up clean).
Was that before or after they where quarantined by MBAM ;) .. And is avast pup detection on

Upload and test files at www.virustotal.com

Avast didn’t find them before I ran MBAM but it was run to detect PUPs. I quarantined them after MBAM found them. What do I do to upload them as they’re now in MBAM’s quarantine?

You restore them from malwarebytes quarantine, then you can upload

You may post link to scan results here

The locations make no sense - both start hklm - meaning I have no idea how to find them and upload them.

Are they genuine or false positives because without being able to find them there’s little I can do but quarantine them again.

That is a reg key

Anyway this is just some pup crap so unless you notice any I’ll effects, delete after a week or two

Your pup crap https://blog.malwarebytes.com/detections/pup-optional-amazon1button/

That’s grand, thanks.