PUPs Removed with MBM; Internet Still Slow As A Snail Connecting / Loading Pages

Ok, I was looking some websites I should not have surfed to (free internet porn! :-[ I’m a Human Being and have my weaknesses), and noticed my internet slowed down connecting to regular websites (for example, like news websites such as bbc.com; yahoo.com; cbc.com), so I figured out I probably got some malware on the computer from surfing the pornsites.

So, I ran SuperAntiSpyware and also Malawarebytes (with the rootkit scan activated) on 12/20 and the MBM scan resulted in 9 PUPs being quarantined.

In order to remove the PUPs, MBM told me to restart my computer which I did.

However, I am still encountering the same problem accessing the internet (these are normal internet websites like the news sites I described above). Oddly, it seems worse than it was before removing the Pups with MBM. A lot of “hang time” after entering the websites URL, waiting about 2-3 minutes before seeing the websites page appear; when the websites’ page appears, most of the pics on the page appear but a few pics and the large banner advertisements are blank but they eventually load after another minute or two or so).

I ran an Avast! Smart Scan but that brought up nothing. I ran another MBM scan but that brought up nothing as well. I then came to the Avast! Forum for help.

I have not run an Avast! Boot Scan because your instructions said don’t run any more scans while seeking help here.

I ran another MBM scan according to your pinned instructions but that again came up empty, so I am attaching the MBM scan from 12/20/19 that had the 9 PUPS that were quarantined by MBM.

I had an old copy of FRST 64 from 2015, so I downloaded the newest version and copied it and pasted it to Desktop, replacing / rewrote it over the old FRST 64 from 2015.

I tried running the new FRST 64 tool and for whatever reason, the program stopped running / responding when it reached the “Scanning Other Areas” portion of the scan. I waited 30 minutes and the FRST 64 tool program was still unresponsive / not running, so I closed it and ran the FRST 64 tool program a second time and again the program stopped running / responding when it reached the “Scanning Other Areas” portion of the scan.

I copied and pasted the FRST 64 tool program from Desktop to a USB stick and tried running it on my computer with the USB stick in the USB port and again FRST 64 stopped running / responding when it reached the “Scanning Other Areas” portion of the scan!

I tried running FRST 64 a second time from the USB stick and again FRST 64 stopped running / responding when it reached the “Scanning Other Areas” portion of the scan.

Could you help me remove whatever Malware that is still on my Computer? Is there a way to get FRST 64 to complete its scan? Is there another recommended removal tool I could use? Should I now run an Avast! Bootscan? What should I do next?

Can you attach the partial scan from FRST?

I will notify Sass Drake.

Edit: Your MBAM scan wasn’t attached, as mentioned in the post.

Ok, I am attaching the Mbam scan from 12/20/19.

Ok, I believe I have founded the FRST 64 tool partial scan logfiles called FRST.txt and Additions.txt. (date modified 12/21/2019). Attaching them as well.

  • Open Notepad (click Start button → type notepad.exe → press Enter)
  • Copy text from code block below and paste it into Notepad
VirusTotal: C:\Windows\System\HsMgr64.exe;C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe
  • Go to FileSave As
  • Make sure that UTF-8 is selected as Encoding (left side of Save button)
  • Save it as fixlist.txt on Desktop
  • Open again FRST and click on button Fix
  • Wait until FRST finishes
  • fixlog.txt should be genereted and opened. Attach it your post and wait further instructions.

Ok, I have the fixlog.txt

I am not sure if I previously attached this Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 14-12-2019
Ran by PC (21-12-2019 18:57:14) Notepad document.

I don’t see malware in logs. Can yo utest internet speed on other PC?

I have one other computer in the house; it’s a Macintosh and has the Macintosh Safari Operating System. The internet works fine on this computer.

The computer having connection problems to the internet has a Windows 10 Operating System. There seems to be a Wi-Fi Connection issue with this computer.

In Windows 10, if I go into> Settings / Control Panel > Change Adapter Settings> Network Connection, there is a Red X over the WI-FI icon which I guess perhaps means the WI-FI adapter is Enabled but not working properly. The Red X means something is wrong with the connection.

Perhaps the Red X means the Wireless adapter is connected to an access point but is not able to reach the internet???

I have a book “Windows 10 Inside Out” (2015) by Ed Bott published by Microsoft Press that states on page 710 to restart the computer or, if that does not work, to try to repair the Network Connection for the computer.

It says Go To> Network Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings. Then, in Network Connections, select the connection and > Diagnose the Connection.

If the Trouble Shooter did not resolve the problem, select the connection and click Disable This Network Device; Then > Enable This Network Device which causes Windows to initialize it.

Well, I tried all that and nothing worked, so after I do a Complete MBAM scan again and an Avast Boot Scan, I will restart the computer to see if that restablishes the Wi-Fi connection with the internet.

Good news!

After I ran the scans, and my computer restarted, there was a message on the Start Screen to Activate Windows 10 which I did, and the internet and everything started working again.

I probably just needed to restart my computer but I did an Avast! Full Virus Scan + a Boot Scan just to be on the safe side and those didn’t find any malware.

So everything is working fine–for now.

All’s well that ends well. :slight_smile:

If wifi connection shows bad and the windows Troubleshooter fails to find anything, or Restart makes no improvement. My next remedy is to switch off the router, count to 10, switch back on. After router has fully restarted, check wifi on PC is reconnected. Sometimes the simple things work.