I have a problem, my client number is 105443087, when I made the purchase I made a typo on the email address requested and wrote gmail.coom instead of gmail.com and now since my products are linked to my correct email account I am not being recognized as having a license, I cannot also use the support requests or the forums or anything because they send all the confirmation links to the incorrect email!!! HELP!!!
You could try contacting sales using the on-line contact form, http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles.
Try and give as much information as possible date and rough time of purchase, client number, payment method, email error address and correct email, etc. Hopefully they can track it and correct the error in your email address.
Thank you so much David, I used the link and I gave them all the information you suggested. I’ll wait now for an answer.
Thank you again!
You’re welcome.