Purchased, downloaded, but can't find Avast 5.0

Yesterday I purchased Avast 5.0, downloaded it and followed the instructions. I rebooted my computer and had no protection whatsoever. Apparently I uninstalled the free version in the process and the product I purchased wasn’t installed. Other than the fact I don’t have what I paid for and the free version is missing, I reinstalled the free version but can’t get the license key to work.

I registered and set up a ticket witht the support center but haven’t heard back from them yet. I checked with my bank and a transaction did occur with Avast. Unfortunately my printer ran out of ink so I couldn’t print the “reciept” before this all took place.

Any ideas or similar problems?

I presume you do have an license.avastlic file sent to you via email?

Download the trial of the version you bought (Pro / AIS).
During install you will be requested to enter the location of the avastlic file.

If Zyndstoff’s solution doesn’t work, go into your Windows Explorer and your Program Files. See what you have under Alwil.

Normally, the license.avastlic file should be found at "C:\ProgramData\Alwil Software\Avast5".
However, if you uninstalled avast, this folder might not be there any more.
You should have the email with this file. Safeguard this file. Make a copy of it at a different location, preferrably burn it on a CD or put it to a usb-stick so you have it ready in case your HD blows.

Make a copy of it at a different location, preferrably burn it on a CD or put it to a usb-stick so you have it ready in case your HD blows.
Excellent recommendation :) since we all know that if your hard drive blows, that really sucks. ;D

It took about 3 days for tech support to act on my own ticket and they will likely send an attachment which contains the license key–Just save that to your desktop, then open it and it should automatically reinstate Avast—Under About Avast–Maintenance tab it should state Avast is active and also show ur Customer # and expiration of ur auto updates which should be the same as u had previously