From startup it says “WARNING, your system is UNSECURED” and the taskbar logo has a red ball with a white X on it. Occasionally that changes to a yellow triangle with a ! on it.
If I try “Fix Now”, the program just freezes and if I remember correctly crashes at some point.
This computer has a lot of problems on its own but I’m not sure what causes this one.
Now after many hours using the computer, I (being lazy) have been relying on the firewall, but I decided to write here now since I got a rather odd error message pop up from nowhere.
It says this (The first line is the windows header)
Other security related software installed…??
Info about your system…?? (OS, etc…)
Run free Mbam and report your results…!
The OS on this computer is Windows XP Home (32bit)
No other security software except for Sygate Firewall.
Can’t be arsed to finish a Mbam scan at the moment, I tried twice and the program froze
(First time because I was using something else and the program was in the background = Instant freeze,
second time because I left it be and the screensaver went on = Freeze)
I’ll do it later maybe. This computer is my dads and its rather a problematic one…
But the main thing is I would like to have the antivirus working so I could maybe then start fixing the other ones…