Push installasion pc client failed use avast endpoints protection suite plus

Dear Team Avast,

We have two problems on avast endpoint protection suite plus:

1.Do testing avast endpoints protection suite plus we install avast aea using os windows 7 and we want to push to use pc client os windows 7 occurring failed to push?

2.Do testing detection pc in aea and run find located in discovery task that occurs pc client cannot be seen in computer catalog?
Note: pc aea server using windows 7 and pc client using windows 7.

Please give team avast solutions to these problems.
Thankyou Team Avast.


Avast will not find to you here fix of the bug. Please use “submit a ticket” at support page of avast.com

Ok Mr.George told me , thank you very much he advised.
I will open ticket team support avast.

Let the force be with you. Sorry for my English :slight_smile: