Quarantine still named virus chest

So in the little context menu thing of Avast, they renamed the virus chest to quarantine but have not changed it in the context menu


Yes, I would imagine that there may be other references that need to be changed.

I think it would be more of an issue for brand new users, not familiar with the old term.


Can you click on “About Avast” and attach a screenshot of it, please?

Hi, same issue in German UI, screenshot attached.

As I mentioned above, I also see this and have attached the About Avast screenshot.

I’m thinking this may be more of a case that the UI build may not be the latest (as mentioned in other topics) that could be the issue.

My Avast is updated to the latest version and it still says Virus Chest in the context menu, but says Quarentine in the app.



Thank you for the screenshots. It will be fixed.

For once, the French don’t have a translation problem. :smiley:
There was no change of name because since the beginning it is “zone de quarantaine” (quarantine zone).
We only hope that the future fix won’t change anything for the French users :wink: ;D

I don’t know why there had to be a change for the res of us.
Everyone knows what the virus chest is.
Change just for the sake of change never made sense to me.