Question about an Avast-File


can someone please explain the purpose of the file “aswChLic.exe” in the C:\Programms\Avast Software\Avast folder?

I can’t figure it out from the threads here in this forum and I can’t find any information about this file on the Internet either.

I’m using AVAST Free Antivirus 11.2.2261 and Windows XP & SP 3

From the name it seems related to license, if i should guess ChLic = Check License or something like that

That’s strange.

I didn’t have any Avast Software installed that requires a “License”, not even a Trial version.

I’m only using Avast Free 11.2.2261 and I didn’t install anything else.
The last time I “registered” Avast Free was in August 2017.

So why is there now a “License related” Software on my PC ?

Probably the file that see what license you have … free / payed …

Do you have a problem with it?

Pondus, thanks for your reply, I appreciate your help, but it seems you didn’t know the answer to my question.

I don’t want to play a “guessing game”
I asked a straight simple question and I want a straight simple answer, but it seems that nobody can give me one, saying “aswChLic.exe” is doing this or “aswChLic.exe” is doing that.

That’s a file that opens the legacy license files if you double-click them in Windows explorer to insert license to program


Thanks, your answer helped me a lot.

But why is there such a file on my PC when I didn’t have any Avast-Software installed which required a “License file” ?
I only use Avast Free and as far as I know you don’t need a “License (File)” for this software.

Because you can still insert the license to free version and it will upgrade the product :wink:


OK, I understand this
Thanks again for your help :slight_smile: