Question About Avast 4.8 , Comodo FW & Superantispyware (free) !

Hi Guys,
I used Avast (free) a while and liked it . I ended up getting a security suite though , because i was worried about conflicts between free programs . My subscription to KIS 7 is coming to a end in a few months and i am looking into alternatives . I like the new KIS 2009 , but it seems to still need some bugs worked out ! The price is also a deterrent . I have thought about using Avast 4.8, Comodo FW Pro & Supernatispyware (free) in conjunction with each other . but i have some questions ,

(1) I have read that Avast is great on detecting malware but only average on removing it , will this be inproved in the upcoming Avast 5 ?

(2) If i choose to install Avast 4.8, Comodo FW Pro & Superantispayware (free) in what order should i install them to avoid conflicts ?

Thanks for any help in this matter .


Definetely leave Comodo Firewall PRO last! The other 2 don’t matter, I’d say Avast, then SAS, then CFP.

Thanks for the suggestion , Pico !
