Question about Avast BP client

Hello everybody
First of all: Seem a good work, Avast Team!
…then I’ve just finish to install the BP correctly on my network.
I’ve distibuited Avast Businness Protection on my 20 PC clients.

“Fast Scan” in my case “Scansione Veloce” and “Complete System Scan” in my case “Scansione completa del sistema”
appare “???” in some client, how can you see in the image posted.

Is the trouble dovute due to this?

the systems afflicted seem XP Sp3, italian language.
Thank’s a lot


thanks for your feedback. Looking at the screenshot you supplied I have a question: is this on a machine where some version of avast was previously installed? If so, what version was that?



Thanks for reply Jx,
Yes you’re right, I’ve install the BP managed version, over the Avast PRO 6.0.1203.
The problem will be fix with the other relase, or I must do a clean install?

I’ve another problem:
I use on two PC Skype with Philips Voip 321.
With this relase Philips Voip 321 driver can’t communicate with Skype.
With Avast PRO 6.0.1203 I haven’t no problem.
Is the problem solvable?

Thank’s a lot

with a clean install the first problem is solved

There is another problem I have noticed if you do not clean an installation client.
The search in Windows XP no longer works, as in the attached Screenshots…
