Hello, I’m a brand new user to Avast!, I’ve installed the program and the install went smoothly and the program now appears to be active and running. My question could be a very silly one, but with other AV email programs I’ve used, there is often a footer included with the email indicating that the email was checked as virus free, both in incoming and outgoing state. I use Mozilla Thunderbird as an email client and I don’t see anything appended to the emails to indicate that the emails have been checked. Should I be seeing something to indicate this or does Avast! not perform that way?
At the moment avast! 4 (Apparently V5 will be able to I think) cannot scan ssl secured emails. So if the email service you are using, is SSL secured then it will not be scanned without the intervention of another program such as Stunnel
One example of this is Gmail. It requires a secured connection to work.
My provider is Windstream.net, DSL and it’s not a secured connection. I’m assuming from your post that I should be seeing something to indicate that email has been scanned?
There are settings you can set to tell Avast what to scan and whether to show a message or not. I can’t remember what the defaults are but you might check and see what they’re set to. Left-click the Avast icon>>Details>Internet Mail>Customize. There are tabs for POP, SMTP, etc. On my emails it displays the message at the very bottom.
Hi norel, I think I figured out the problem. In reading the Help files for email settings it stated that I could access the Email Wizard under Program Start by navigating to the Azrast! program, however, when I did that, there was not any option there for an Email Wizard, further research showed that for some reason, when I downloaded the program I ended with Version 4, which evidently did not support email configuration. I’m not sure how I get the most recent version of this program, I downloaded it from the official Avast! site.
I think you are referring to your ISP here? Is it an email account from them?
What ports within Thunderbird are you using?
I am not too sure about this, but you may have to add them to the redirect tab of the internet mail scanner:
Left click avast tray icon -->Internet Mail -->Customise -->Redirect Tab
As for the avast email wizard, I think this is only used on Win 95/98/ME, so if you are using a different OS this isn’t needed.
I appreciate your help with trying to troubleshoot this for me.
Yes, Windstream is my ISP, and yes, the email account is through them, ported on 110 (default) and I’m on Win XP.
On your fix, this is where I’m having a problem as I haven’t any options for Email configuration in the menu when I left click out of system tray. If I pull up the Avast! panel there is nothing there either which allows me to configure email settings. I have tried finding this on the system tray and through the Start function, navigating to Avast!, and nothing appears which has anything to do with email functions.
Perhaps I need to uninstall and try downloading the program again to make sure I’m getting the most recent version?
Click the Details… >> button to expand that initial window, this then shows the individual avast Providers, now you should be able to see the Internet Mail provider to be able to select it.