question about firewall- "unavailable in free"

Alright let me tell you the whole story. Two weeks ago I had a nasty virus that really messed up my Windows 7 computer and basically made it unworkable until I took it to the computer tech and he fixed it. However what he did is update my computer with new virus protection software. He got rid of McAfee (at least, that’s what he told me- it doesn’t appear to be here anymore since I don’t see it anywhere on my desktop) and replaced it with two things- avast! and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Now all the information for Malwarebytes is up to date and checks out accordingly thanks to some spot-on and very helpful emails I had with a fellow last night, however I’m not sure what’s going on with avast! I did some searching but can’t find an email address to talk to someone directly about the following question. When I click on the Home option it says “Firewall- Unavailable in Free” and I’m not sure why this is. Is is possible that Malwarebytes is overriding this firewall so it’s not important and I don’t need it, or do I really have to spend 20 bucks to activate the firewall feature? I don’t quite understand why it’s not already on. How secure is my computer without the avast! firewall activated? Or perhaps it is already on and I’m misreading it. Any help on the matter would be incredibly helpful.

Avast free does not have the firewall component. There needs to be some way for the company to make a few bob :slight_smile:

So it is only available in AIS

How secure is my computer without the avast! firewall activated?
you do have windows firewall ;) and you are probably behind a router or ISP box with firewall

Wait, I do have a firewall on? Where is it? Thanks for the replies guys- really appreciate it. So I take it there’s two versions of avast! A free one that is only so-so reliable with less features, and one that costs you… haven’t looked up the price yet (I imagine a monthly charge)? I don’t see a free trial with an expiration date so I assume this free one running currently will remain?

For more information about avast upgrades see :slight_smile:

free is free for a year, you only have to register…when time is out, you register again

compare avast


It doesn’t cost a lot, but I think the price varies depending on which product you look at first.

This link was on the Avast website, but when you click on it you are taken to another website, that has a lower price.

According to that page, it doesn’t appear the free version is very good at all- it blocks viruses and spyware, but that’s basically it. I believe my McAfee settings were stronger/more reliable (then again, maybe not if I had such a big problem with my computer two weeks ago). This makes me think right now, in my current free setting, avast! is NOT very safe at all. It makes me think that I can’t really visit any website that involves money (stock trading) and personal passwords without a fear that my information could be at risk for being discovered/stolen by hackers. Would you say this is true?

Avast free detection rates and cleaning abilities are the same as Avast premier.

If you want secure online banking then at a minimum you will need Pro with safe zone

I believe that Avast Pro is cheaper than McAfee

The paid versions have the bells and whistles that the general user who does not do online banking has no requirement for

Usually when I’m done banking I log out, but I’m concerned with the free version of avast! that someone might be able to obtain my information while I’m logged in. What about adult entertainment? I occasionally look at that stuff where viruses are possible, as well as music files. Of course neither of these are as important as my bank account, but I really want to make sure I don’t have a computer crash like the one two weeks ago (the source of which was never discovered). Basically I want a secure system similar to when I had McAfee before the disaster two weeks ago. Let me say again, I appreciate all the help. :slight_smile: Do you think it’d be wise to lay down the 20 bucks for the firewall? I assume the firewall purchase would be good for a year and then I’d have to buy it again.

If you are behind a router and using windows 7 or later then Pro would be sufficient as it has safe zone, this is a browser that it totaly isolated from the rest of the computer

You could pair avast free with some of the free firewall options available as most users seem to do.
Avast free is a superb antivirus and you should be quite safe with it although judging by your post if you browse on the dark side then your a risky user to start off with.

To compare avast with Mcafee is quite laughable as avast is far more superior.
Give avast a go with a free firewall option and see how it goes or use the windows firewall which is right inside the OS.


I know going on the “dark” side of internet searching is a little risky, that’s why I’m looking for as much protection as possible. However I really can’t be distracted by that stuff when my online bank account and stock site is the most important thing, and I want to make sure nothing or nobody touches my money (not to sound selfish or anything- I have to be protective I hope you understand) :slight_smile: What are some of the free firewall options? Can you give me some examples?

Most popular appear to be…

Online Armor free.
Comodo Firewall.

Personally i use the comodo firewall as its extremely light.

Good luck.

Thanks. I’m concerned there might be some issues since I already have Malware and now avast! together. I wouldn’t know if running yet another feature might be too much for my Windows 7. If I were to download Comodo, would there be any, shall I say, miscommunications? I mean, I would now have THREE things all running together. Would there be any issues with so many things running at once?

avast, MalwareBytes Free or Pro and Comodo Firewall work quite well together. Check out our signatures.
Personally I use avast free, MBAM Pro and CFW with no issues. Comodo has a built-in sandbox and kiosk.

To install just the firewall, follow these instructions. :slight_smile:

Thanks. :slight_smile: How much does Comodo firewall cost? The link you took me to says it’s free after the first download page, but it might only be a limited free trial thing and in a couple weeks, I’ll be expected to purchase the firewall. I hope you understand my worries- too many things running together might make my Windows 7 slow down a lot, or have start-up issues. I just don’t like to put too much stuff on my computer. At least, keep it so it doesn’t affect the performance in which the computer is running (nice and smooth right now). Perhaps being a neat freak is making me this way. :slight_smile:

It’s free.

Keep in mind that the problem with most 3rd party firewalls is the constant pop ups. You need to be computer savvy at times. If your behind a router then Windows 7 Firewall will suit you just fine.

If your worried about your systems performance then stick with the windows firewall that is already on your computer and Avast, you can run the free version of Malwarebytes in a quick scan once a week and you should be fine :slight_smile:

If you happen to frequent risky sites and do a lot of banking on line then follow the advice Para-Noid has supplied for you.