I started a search with a free version of Avast on my Mac. It shows me a screen where outdated logs and files are slowing down my computer. Is it ok to let Avast delete these? Specifically, will they affect any of my programs or important data on my computer?
I skipped and started another search, so I can provide more information if necessary when it’s finished.
You’re good to delete log files. They mostly contain information about failed actions (Failed to open file X, failed to save file Y, couldn’t open module Z) along with other misc information. As a rule, anything that is *.txt, *.log won’t seriously affect program behaviour. Those files are just plain old regular text.
Avast! is a little misleading with the advertising though. You will see practically zero benefit from deleting those files unless you have a very large quantity of those log files (>10-25GB). Even then, you’re likely not going to see a huge benefit.
Thanks for the info. I do know that my comp has some storage issues, and is running very slow. I’m also not sure what files are safe to delete because I have important work stuff on this comp. Anyway, thanks for the advice, I will try to figure it out.
Just make sure you know what’s being deleted before you hit that delete button.
Even safer is to make a backup before you delete items. That way, if you make a mistake, you can get them back.