Other firewalls I have used have always warned me when some program was
trying to access the internet, unless the program was explicitely given
Avast! Internet Security has never so warned me. Is there a way to
turn on such warnings? Is there any way to turn off internet access
for certain programs?
Open Avast!>>Firewall>>Firewall Settings>>Expert Settings>>Default rules
Set to “ask” for all connections not already listed on application rules page. Each individual existing rule can also be modified to block, ask, or auto from the application rules section.
When the “ask” pop-up comes, select “deny”. Or of a rule already exists, in the applicatiion rules section, turn the slider all the way down to block all access and change that programs individual rule to either;
(if you want to know if it is trying to call out or elevate access), or
(this will “mute” the firewall, locking in whatever level of access you give the program, no pop-ups will come)