Question about Outpost Firewall Free

Since I was using PC Tools Firewall, I switched to Outpost free. My question is the icon in the system tray by the clock shows a question mark in the center. Can someone tell me what this means. Ran a test with GRC/Shields Up and it shows stealth. Thanks.

The Shield with the ? question mark is just the standard Outpost icon, it is same in the Pro version that I have. It isn’t an indication that there is something wrong.

The question mark is the state of the firewall (it’s “ask”, i.e., it will ask you if the programs could connect and accept connections). It’s normal :slight_smile:

Thanks guys. Also couldn’t find if it had a place to check for updates. I appreciate your answers.

You’re welcome.

Normally there are news articles that inform of updates, etc.

I don’t know if the interface is the same as my 7.0 Pro version but there is an update button at the top of the main interface, that however normally only deals with the current news and any updated presets (rules), not the actual program.

However, in the Settings, General section, Update, there are changes that can be made to Update there.

It must be the difference in free and pro as in my settings it doesn’t have those options. Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Remember the free version is version 6.x and the latest Pro version is version 7.0, so there may be differences in the interface. But have a good rummage around in the Interface and see what you can dig up.

You could also visit somewhere like, Or, and check what the latest version and build number is.

Read this in the help files and it was the reason for asking about the ? mark.

System Tray Icon
By default, Outpost Firewall Free automatically loads when Windows starts up to provide immediate protection of your system at the earliest stage. Once it is loaded, the icon with the white tower on the blue shield (Outpost Firewall Free’s default icon), is displayed in the system tray―the right end of the Windows task bar. When you see this icon, it means that Outpost Firewall Free is operating and protecting you.

No white tower is showing.

Don’t worry about it I have never had the white tower (pretty hard in a small icon I would have thought) and Outpost has never let me down.

Thank you for your patience with me.

No problem.

It shouldn’t take long to get used to Outpost.