i understand that there are green, yellow & gray bars in the spectrum.
is red a possible color?
i can assume that:
3 green bars means: good to go
2 green bars?: possibly still good to go?
1 green bar? : user descretion is advised?
ANY yellow bars?: prolly not a good idea to visit a site with this rating?
ANY gray bars?: again, prolly not a good idea to visit a site with this rating?
ANY red bars?: most definitely NOT a good idea to visit a site with this rating?
i’m just curious as to knowing what it means since i dont quite see any tabs
showing me a legend of the color descriptions.
Green means Avast! users like the site. Yellow would usually indicate mixed opinion. Grey means little or no information has been given yet. Red means Avast! users don’t like the site, for whatever reason. It is the same “Traffic Light” color scheme WebOfTrust uses, if you are familiar with that.
As of right now, it appears not so much to be a “danger” rating as much as a “like” rating. How much this will change remains to be seen. The database it draws from is not very mature yet also, but that will only come from users like you using it and letting your opinion be known through WebRep, so by all means, get out there and vote and help WebRep realize its potential
As has been noted in other threads, we’ll probably find WebRep a lot more useful once input from the Avast labs (re detected malware and the like) becomes a more significant factor in its operation. Like/don’t-like votes from users are of course highly subjective, and probably relate to content rather than security.
just hope that if they make avast to block any “red” rated sites,they will be sites that are examined by the lab and contain malwares,otherwise sites will be blocked depending on users likings and that would be a bit disturbing…