Question about Virus Vault

Hi Everyone!
I scanned and the free version found 13 virus (Greeting card exe card exe, etc)
Once the scan was complete I only saw 4 files in the vault.(dll files.) When prompted I said to move virus to chest so I could examine them later.
How come they were not in the vault?
These were worm and trojan virus.

Thanks in advance!! ;D

What is the infected file name/s, where was it/they found e.g. (C:\windows\system32\ ? Check the avast! Log Viewer (right click the avast icon), Warning section, this contains information on all avast detections.
Were there any errors or indications that the file/s couldn’t be moved to the chest (the file names and locations may give us a clue) ?

What Operating System are you using ?

To Chest or just ‘moved’ them? If the last option, they’ll be on folder under avast subdirectory installation.