Question about VRDB & Web Shield.....

Is it safe to disable VRDB & Web Shield? Web Shield seems to slow my browsing down. Im running Vista 64bit. Thank you in advance. ;D

Im using the newest version of Avast Home 4.8.

Hi Christopher67,

VRDB - Yes, this is being dropped anyway for version 5

Websheild - NO, this is the first, and (IMHO) most useful line of defence, on your pc.

(Infact, I have all of the providers installed, but have disabled VRDB for the reason above)


Totally agree the Web Shield is probably the most important of the avast shields, protecting agains web based malware and this is the fastest growing means of malware transmission.

Ok thanks for the replies guys. :wink:

You’re welcome.

No problem :slight_smile: