Question abt the new 5. home edtion

I’ve read all about the new Avast 5. free home and would like to have it when its available, but i’ve just recently re-registered with 4.8 home edition for the next 12 months, so my question is am i able to disscontinue with the 4.8 and use the new edition when it comes out in the next month or so.


Hi den21,

As said in the blog, if you have a valid license, when V5 is released then you will be able to use it for the new version
(obviously, to get the suite, you may have to pay a little more…)

As usual, all customers (or users) with a valid avast! subscription will get a free upgrade to this new version.

avast! blog >> avast! 5 is coming… soon!


although these modules are necessary and powerful. however, i install resident shield only ;D. it’s enough!
too many security makes computer run slower :wink:

What makes you think this and speculate as there hasn’t been the slightest hint of this.

The free version will be a stand alone version of the AV with none of the suite elements, but it should remain essentially the same with a few enhancements, far from being stripped down.

It is best not to speculate but await full information and official information at that.

The Individual Shields don’t actually use much in the way of resources as it is the main scanning engine that does the majority of the work. Many of them are dormant for the most part until they have something to scan, the exception to that is the Web Shield which scans the http content of your browsing. So avast by comparison to many other AVs is still light.

So you are under protected as the greates threat is from the internet and the Web Shield is a major player in keeping the malware out of your system, rather than allow it in and hope that the standard shield catches it. The Network Shield is also another essential shield, blocking known malicious site.

@ DavidR
do you mean that network shield can block dangerous sites?
if yes it is, avast home also have anti-phishing module ;D

Yes, avast has anti-phishing capabilities. They should make a little more hype about them…

It isn’t specifically anti-phishing but malicious sites. The fact that many phishing sites may also be considered malicious sites, so could also be on that list.