Question: avast! account

A few days ago I managed to fix up an account and I connected to it.
The Program GUI on “Summary/Current Status” says: Connected with avast! account: xxx e-mail xxx (pic 1)
“Settings/Account” says “CONNECTED

Since there is no description of the functions of account and what it should look like (nothing in “User Guide” version 7, nothing in FAQ’s) here is my question to all you highly knowledgeable people:

  1. There is no button or link in program GUI to go to my account, could that be true or am I kind of stupid or blind? (Don’t make it too hard on me)
  2. When I go with the browser to “” and log into my account, is that really all that shows here (pic 2)? At least according to the text on that page there should be more!
    How do I get the information about my system on the page?

There is no button to the may avast page from the GUI.

Yes, there should be more detail on your account page. Try disconnecting in GUI > Settings > Account then reconnect again.

  1. Good question, not sure if there is a way to get to the account page from avast UI. Will have a look. I don’t think that there is.

  2. No, you should see your device (machine) listed and it should show some info related to it…

Edit: couldn’t find anything… (1)

Thanks for the response.
I tried disconnecting and connecting quite some times, but never ever more than that on the pic!

Could that be the reason? See picture!
The registration date is in the future! :o Funny bug!
May be it works after 01. March 2012 ???

Yeah it says I’m connected as well with the green check mark. But there should be a “my devices” option that Tech posted.