Is there any feature in Passolo Translator 5, so i can re-translate some words without checking every already translated line ??? for all the 10 files of avast! : I do not want to untranslate them all i just want to fix some words, without checking every translated line as i said. I do not want to experiment too, so if anyone from the translators knows how can i do this it will be really nice of him to tell me.Thanks!
Sounds like you are actually looking for “Search & Replace” function.
I must say I’m slightly afraid about that… because I’ve already seen a few translations, containing clear evidence of (bad) search&replace editing - bad capitalization of the replaced words, replaced parts of bigger (concatenated) words… i.e. pieces of text that actually didn’t make much sense. I’d say it’s better to visually check each replacement to make sure it’s really what you want… though I don’t know what exactly you are changing, of course.
Yes i was thinking on “Search & Replace” function.
I'd say it's better to visually check each replacement to make sure it's really what you want...
Arrrhh :-\ I was afraid of that… OK i guess that its better to go via the harder way, its just that i took away the bookmarks of those lines and i will have to look at every translated line. Anyway thanks Igor
Well, you can use it, just be careful, please.
In the “Replace” dialog, there are 2 buttons - “Find next” and “Replace”. So, if you won’t click the “Replace all” button, but rather use “Find next” (to skip the current hit) or “Replace” (if you really want to replace this one), i.e. visually check the detected occurrences, it should be OK.
Or, you can at least use the “Find” (F3) function to jump to the next occurrence for manual modification, it’s not necessary to read all the lines.
Ok, that sounds better. Thank you Igor ;D 8)
I won’t think it will be harder. My experience is the same of Igor’s one. You can use search function but it’s better and safer to check one by one the changes done.
Also, take care while you do not set ‘full words search’ because parts of the words could be wrongly changed inadvertently.
Edited typo: inadvertedely // inadvertently.
Thank you Igor and Tech for your advices, i am using the F3 function now, and not the Replace button, and it is doing a great job for me
Tech what do you mean by unadvertedely ? That i will not be able to change the words again, or something else? I am sorry but i am not sure what do you mean by this :
Hope that makes it a little clearer.
Yes thank you Bob! unadvertedely = inadvertently ;D silly me 8)