Question for Igor or Vlk

Cosmetic issue this time…

SHOW DETAILED INFO ON PERFORMED ACTION under customization of INTERNET MAIL provider is enabled here. I want to have that window popping out each time my avast! scans incoming and outgoing mail. It’s a very nice feature and I love it. Window transparency is set to 70% in my avast4.ini file:


My question is… is there any command I should put inside AAVM tag or any other way to change colors of that window ? By default colors are blue for the top part of the window and very light yellow for the part of window where you can see all info. I’m asking that, 'cause 98% of my Desktop is blue colored, and that DETAILED INFO WINDOW just blends into my desktop, so it’s very difficult to notice it when it pops out… If it’s possible I want to see something more noticeable, like in green colors (Red is great, but it stands for alerts)…

Of course, this is not major issue, but I just wonder is it possible to do that from here, or something must be changed in code in order to change colors…

Thanks guys in advance for your precious time !


Wow, new values for avast4.ini file… Thanks Vlk and Igor for your time and patience to make the knowleagde base of parameters :wink:

Actually, I have that feature enabled in my avast4.ini file for quite some time… I think, last 2 months. TagOpacity was mentioned in few threads in these forums…

Now, I just wonder is there any chance to change color of those little DETAILED INFO windows.

EDIT: Technical - you don’t like your avatar I made for you ? If it’s too mechanical, just say it my friend… I’ll change it for you… send me some photo of yours that you prefere to have as avatar, and I’ll do something… no problems at all - NO PROBLEMOS !!! ;D

Cheers !

TagOpacity was added to avast4.ini file thread a long time ago.
The same as you, I’m glad to wait new parameters for it :wink:

Currently, it’s not possible to change the color.
I’ll see what I can do :wink:

Haha, I just don’t believe this guy (Igor). You are so unreal, just like you came from out of space my friend… whatever we ask, and believe me there is so many silly questions in here, you guys are here to help us… what’s best - you are here almost instantly with your answers… a way to go !!!

Will you ever be tired and unreachable for us, users, forum members and your valuable customers ? You guys are so good in what you do… I wish everybody is just like you. You gave a wonderful example to the world…

Greetings !

Thanks for offering…
I’ll send you a ‘collection’ of photos ;D

OK, I added some ini-file items to change the colors of the info messages. As I said - it’s not supported right now (build 4.1.396), so you have to wait for the next program update.

All the colors are entered as a number. If you have the color expressed as RGB, each component in the range 0…255, the formula for the color number is
color = 65536B + 256G + R
In other words, the color is expressed as a decimal number whose hexadecimal representation is 00BBGGRR.

Note: no checking is performed on the entered values, so using them is on your own risk. I believe that the worst that can happen is that you won’t see anything (e.g. when using a black text on a black background), but I warned you ;D Unfortunatelly, it’s not possible to “test” the colors anyhow - so you’ll have to rely on your guesses.
For the changes in the ini file to take effect, a reboot is required (or at least restart of ashDisp.exe on WinNT/2k/XP). If any of the values is not present in the ini file (which is the default), the default values are used by the program.

All of the values should be in the [AAVM] section.

Now, the values for the “messages” (e.g. the items displayed when “Show detailed info on performed action”) are:
[*]MsgTitleBkgColor1 - initial color of the titlebar background
[*]MsgTitleBkgColor2 - final color of the titlebar background (a gradient is formed: initial color… final color)
[*]MsgTitleTextColor - color of the titlebar text
[*]MsgInfoBkgColor - color of the message background (“simple info message”)
[*]MsgInfoTextColor - color of the message text (“simple info message”)
[*]MsgHighBkgColor - color of the message background (“high priority message”)
[*]MsgHighTextColor - color of the message text (“high priority message”)
[*]MsgFatalBkgColor - color of the message background (“fatal error”)
[*]MsgFatalTextColor - color of the message text (“fatal error”)

The values for the “Info screens” (e.g. the blue square saying that “Program update is available”) are:
[*]InfoEmergencyTitleBkgColor1 - initial color of the background for emergency messages
[*]InfoEmergencyTitleBkgColor2 - final color of the background for emergency messages
[*]InfoEmergencyTextColor - text color for emergency messages
[*]InfoNormalTitleBkgColor1 - initial color of the background for normal messages
[*]InfoNormalTitleBkgColor2 - final color of the background for normal messages
[*]InfoNormalTextColor - text color for normal messages
[*]InfoTitleColor - title text color

An example: to set the titlebar text color of the “Show detailed info on performed action” messages to green (which is probably not what you really want to do, because it’s not very nice to read ;D), use

Great Igor, great !!! Thanks for your wonderful and for sure, hard work !!! Thanks pal !

I just can’t wait for next update. Everything is pretty much clear regarding values and command form, but I also have one question regarding form of the value…

I know this… if this is RGB (Red, Green, Blue)
Clear RED is 255 000 000
Clear Green is 000 255 000
Clear Blue is 000 000 255

Right ? It should be like that… you said:

In other words, the color is expressed as a decimal number whose hexadecimal representation is 00BBGGRR

If you use this: color = 65536B + 256G + R

How come you get MsgTitleTextColor=65280 for the green ?

Is it possible to show us whole process, please ? Let’s say what do you do if you wanna see Red color of your MsgTitleTextColor ?

Thanks in advance !


When green is 000 255 000, the formula says
color = 65536B + 256G + R = 65536000 + 256255 + 000 = 65280

So, for “pure colors” it’s
Red = 255
Green = 65280
Blue = 16711680

Aaaaaaaaahhhhh… unbelievable clear !!!

Thanks Igor, you’re the best… of course I must not forget our Vlk, although I can’t hear much from him last few months… I guess, guy is just too busy… let him do his job the best he can, he’s great too !

Alwil, you guys are unbelievable… I told everybody, I know you are out of this world, they wouldn’t believe me… what can I do ?

Just tell me one more thing… Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or maybe out of our gallaxy ? Confess please, don’t make us wondering any more… ;D

That info is top secret, of course ;D

No secrets here:;action=display;threadid=1647&start=0 ;D

I meant the info on the location of our planet :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was just going to tell him that… click here to see what I mean and find my reply number 14 in that thread (bottom of the page)…;action=display;threadid=3565;start=0

Cheers !