Question for ZoneAlarm 9.2 Free Users

@ modati

What does your signature mean ???


Most people put information about their system in the signature like brandonn2010 has.

I just think it looks neat. It just says my user-name with some ASCII attempting to be artistically placed :stuck_out_tongue:

How artistic it actually is… I couldn’t say but I enjoy it!

I think you chose no to the advanced automated set up.

You need to pay attention during set up. It’s very simple.

I don’t think it could be any easier. You’re cheating yourself.


Maybe modati suffers from autism ???

A pervasive developmental disorder characterized by severe deficits in social interaction and communication, by an extremely limited range of activities and interests, and often by the presence of repetitive, stereotyped behaviors.

Lol what you think rdmaloyjr and what you reply to are two different things. :stuck_out_tongue:

Since I guess we have to explain everything for you I’ll indulge you a bit and ask you start by reading my first post and the response to it. I did do advanced setup and selected every option that implies “no don’t do that for me.” Do you want screenshots of the setup process of the options you have to select and say “no” in the sense that the program isn’t doing stuff for you? It’s not installing that I was talking about and it’s not about getting alerts. It’s the automatic adding of an entry to the access list with a blue question mark for every process that gets opened. Sometimes it even adds calc.exe and other processes that would never request access to the internet or my local network. I hope you understand now. I’m not cheating myself by any means hehe.

Kenny you are very strange. No I don’t have autism and I’m not sure if I should take that as an insult or not. It’s not polite to go around suggesting people have diseases as such. Sorry you misunderstood what I said but you could always ask a question to get more info instead of assuming. I’m sure you all know what assuming does hehe :). As a Senior Member I will learn from you to not act like you. Thanks for the advice.

Maybe you two should try reading the previous post I made and the response to it from the original poster. Which sparked me to post what you are quoting. If you just read the one post and reply to it like you all did it makes you look foolish. Since you aren’t really getting the whole picture. Sorry nice try though :slight_smile: it was amusing nonetheless. Have a great day guys.

By the way, I like my signature and don’t care if it means anything to you Kenny. Hope that clears up any confusion.

I did do advanced setup and selected every option that implies [b]"no don't do that for me."[/b]

Your own words show you didn’t allow auto configure programs in ZA.

Agreed. Which is why it’s more confusing that it adds them with the blue question mark (no permissions) not configured. I can’t figure it out. This is a recent update in the past few months it wasn’t always like this.

Since you are so eager to prove me wrong or whatever I’ll post the installation steps taken…

  • Selected option, Custom installation, Uncheck Set my default… Uncheck Install Security Toolbar [Next]
  • Uncheck Inform me about product updates… [Next]
  • Check I accept… [Install]
  • Selected option, Custom installation (advanced) [Next]
  • Do not participate in DefenseNet [Next]
  • Off… For the SmartDefense option [Next]
  • Information screen about fraud protection [Next]
  • Selected option, Do not setup my programs [Next]
  • [Restart Computer]

I agree that is really easy!!! Definitely not cheating myself ;). I still cannot figure out why entries are added, not configured in anyway, with no permissions (blue question mark) at random when they are opened. Since I chose every option like I said for ZoneAlarm to do nothing for me. Technically it’s not doing anything I just don’t like this feature but there is no way to turn it off, which is why I mentioned it! It didn’t use to be like this! Even if programs aren’t accessing any network services it still adds them with no permissions. It doesn’t configure them in anyway. It just adds to the list with a blue question mark and no permissions… like I keep saying :expressionless:

Thanks for your concern rdmaloyjr maybe you can input on the matter.

- Selected option, Do not setup my programs [Next]
  • Select option, setup my programs [Next]

How many times do I have to tell you to Select option, setup my programs [Next] ???

Uninstall> reinstall

-Selected option, Custom installation,Uncheck Set my default… Uncheck Install Security Toolbar [Next]

  • Uncheck Inform me about product updates… [Next]
  • Check I accept… [Install]
  • Selected option, Custom installation (advanced) [Next]
  • Do not participate in DefenseNet [Next]
  • Off… For the SmartDefense option [Next]
  • Information screen about fraud protection [Next]
  • Selected option, setup my programs [Next]
  • [Restart Computer]

TA for the advice rdmaloyjr. I tried it… still does the same thing. It was annoying and I’ve switched to Comodo. This thing is really smooth I gotta say! I love all the options/rules you can place. So smooth :slight_smile: Take it easy!

It was annoying and I've switched to Comodo.

ZoneAlarm Free is not annoying. You don’t know what you are doing.

I don’t know what you are doing.

ZoneAlarm is by far the easiest firewall to set up and use.

Either you are totally inept or using some other firewall

and mistakenly think it is ZoneAlarm.

No offence intended.

Possibly you may be working for Comodo. ???

@ rdmaloyjr
You forgot the bit about, In your opinion “ZoneAlarm is by far the easiest firewall to set up and use.”

Not everyone is going to agree with that statement and have their opinion. We are all different, our systems are all different, I gave up on Zone Alarm over 7 years ago and have used various forms of Agnitum’s Outpost Firewall, which I have found to be pretty easy to set-up and use, plus I have never had any problems with it.

Yet you had problems with it didn’t you, does that mean you are totally inept, no it doesn’t. People are going to find differences on their system for different firewalls, that is a fact of life so calling someone totally inept is inappropriate. Even if you suffix your statement with No offence intended.


I do remember you once said OP Pro wasn’t an easy fw to use. I guess you chaned your mind. ;D

With modati it was frustrating communicating with him.

You know how it is with people we are trying to help and they don’t the whole story.

Inept or not, he was functionally inept in helping me to help to help him.

in·ept (n-pt)

  1. Not apt or fitting; inappropriate.

a. Displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason; foolish: an inept remark.
b. Bungling or clumsy; incompetent: inept handling of the account.

He was at least bungling or clumsy in communicating the problem.

+1 !!!

Alright, the built in Windows fw is easiest to use. ;D ;D ;D

I certainly don’t recall that, I would be happy for you to post the reference/link and see what the context of the post is within the topic. As I said before I have been using Outpost for over seven years, even longer than the six and a half years on the forums, so I would imagine by that time I would have been pretty familiar with it.

I also didn’t say others said they found it pretty easy but me, a lot depends on what settings you choose when you install as to how much you will get in the way of pop-ups, the same for most firewalls.

Then stop communicating and the name calling as that will only perpetuate the communication.

Yes I do know how difficult it can be to help some people, it is just as important to retain your control or you drag yourself down if it becomes personal with name calling/denigration, etc. etc. It is just easier to simply make your point and without any slight and don’t bother responding.

Which is exactly what I will be doing in this topic which has gone to hell in a hand basket.

Then stop communicating and the name calling as that will only perpetuate the communication.

name calling ??? Where ???