Question Not Related To Avast

I leave one of my computers running 24/7 and was just wondering if it’s safe to do that?

Back in the days it was recommended to leave it on because of tear and wear of the components for each time it would reboot, but now a days it is not necessary. As a matter of fact it is better to be in front of the PC while it is on. I like to supervise what is going on.

Thank you for your quick reply. Guess I’ll turn it off before I go to bed tonight.

Well, it’s safe if they have a good cooling (a working one).
Just that it’s not that much ecological due to energy waste.
Why don’t you set a time for them to sleep (at night for instance)?

It doesn’t particularly matter, however it’s good to reboot it every once in a while. I’ve had bad crashes from putting the computer into sleep too many times without rebooting (was a laptop, don’t know if same for desktops). (Black screen with mouse on reboot)

I’ve noticed with my laptop that if I put it to sleep by closing the lid it sometimes doesn’t resume properly.

If I put it to sleep before closing the lid I’ve not seen a problem with resume - maybe a sticky switch issue or some such.

That is why I rather turn it off. I have not been lucky with the put it to sleep option either. It scares me.

Well it is perfectly all-right to do that, only see to it all the OS and third party software get updated whenever that is needed.
Sometimes some cache cleaning and browser location scanning could be advisable. And some reboots now and then may rid that machine of hidden undesirable code that does not survive a reboot,


This computer is only a few months old so I’m sure there is not problem with cooling. I usually reboot at least once a day and when a program stops responding I’ end up rebooting it again.

I’ve never put this one in sleep mode but I did on another one and I could never figure out how to wake it up.

One of our neighbors came over and changed the settings to where it wouldn’t automatically go into sleep mode. I have Xfinity so when he hooked this one up he set it to where it wouldn’t go into sleep mode.

This is off topic but what causes a program to stop responding. I have Firefox 15 and it stops responding a lot.

Common causes are too many errors or fatal ones (think dividing by 0 and such), large amounts of data going in/out (more than it can handle), using more memory than allotted/ the system has, and in-memory corruption from accidental or malicious overwrite, the latter being more common.

What is malicious overwrite?

A bug or exploit in a program may allow a hacker to write code to the computer (remote code execution), and depending on the attack type and other possible factors, this can overwrite data in memory. If this happens, the program possibly could be corrupted and not be able to reopen once closed. Depending on the importance of the file, the program will likely “freeze” or crash if this happens.