Question on the new build 4-6-763 on Shut down

I downloaded the new version yesterday Jan28th 4-6-763 and I notice when I shut down there is no red ciricle with the ninus sign on the ( a ) by the clock and I did a repair and it still not there I was wondering did anybody else notice that. Is it part of the new version that is not to be there. Plus I don’t the name of the symbol of it. Thanks for the help.

The red line indicates that avast is shut down, this was normal although I have no noticed it on the latest update (not looking) will check next time I shut down

So, you are saying that the avast! tray icon is blue all the time (which would be OK), or… ?

I just want thank you for the reply to esexxboy and to igor. To igor question the (a) ball stays blue when you shut down your computer with the new build. I quess I won’t worry about it if I am still being protected from stuff. Again I thank you for any help that has been given.

Just rebooted and you are correct avast now shuts down as windows exits. That little extra protection, nice

Thanks again essexboy I did reboot like u said but the little (- on the a ball still dosen’t show. ) I quess its not a big deal at least everything is running okay. My only concern if I have to worry about it and what I get from you I should not worry I just thought it was me it was happening too that is why I ask.

I just want to thank you for the help :slight_smile:

lava1, you should’ve worried about how it was before (that is was ending prematurely). Now it’s fixed.

In other words, everythings OK. :wink:

That clears up something for me. I thought probably my system was to blame as Avast! was closing, and not detecting Floppy in drive, Cd-Rom in drive . I felt it was probably a windows shutdown problem, killing Avast! prematurely . Up until a few months ago Avast! would always hang in and close at the very last moment. I could count on it telling me if I hadn’t removed a CD or Floppy.
Great ! Just got the Update, haven’t rebooted as yet… :slight_smile: