Question RE: Drop My Rights

Hi, DavidR

In the post here (and a couple of other places), you talk about the program Drop My Rights. Sounds like something that would simplify my life so I wanted to try it…

It took awhile to find it (the link in that 2005 post is out of date - sorry, I forgot to mark where I found it but it was somewhere on, but I downloaded and installed.

However, when I try to run it, I get an error message that it cannot find an entrance through the ADVAVI32.dll.

Do you have any more information on the file that might help?

Thanks in advance!

Hi cluelessuser,
Maybe this will help?

Thanks for that Bob.

Looks like MS have been cleaning house after Vista’s launch (however, the eweek article is still there), with Vista and IE7 you don’t need dropmyrights.

The Windows Vista version of IE 7 will provide a Protected Mode that gives the browser sufficient rights to browse the Web, but not enough rights to modify user settings or data. Protected Mode will only be available to Vista users because the functionality depends on the reworked user account system in Windows Vista. Vista’s version of IE 7 will also be able to automatically install security and other updates; that will not be the case in the XP version.

So it looks like MS have abandoned those with XP to their fate and the fact that there are other applications that would benefit from dropmyrights that wont have this Protected Mode. I just can’t understand why they would do this, there are no end of old pages on the MS site.

Thankfully Bob not only has the setup instruction with images more importantly he has the DropMyRights.msi file required to install and run dropmyrights.

Occasionally, having your own server like MySharedFiles and hanging on to useful applications
pays off. :slight_smile:

It certainly does, it is a shame we can’t get into the off-topic forum to edit the post.

We never heard more about the Off Topic forum…
I can’t understand why Bob and I figure there as moderators of a closed forum :cry:
Won’t it be opened never more? It was not the idea when Kubecj closed it… as far I remember…

Maybe we can add it to a sticky post in this forum with any edits needed ???

Or, just re-open the off-topic forum ??? ??? :slight_smile:

Kubecj, any scheduling for it?
I know you, guys, hate schedulings 8)

Unfortunately, it does not help with the program. I used the similar instructions DavidR had posted in the closed forum…

However, I did discover something interesting that I’d not paid attention to before. I’m running Win2000. From an Administrator account, one can elect to run a shortcut to an executable as a different user. So, I am at present running Firefox from a User account with restricted privileges.

Accomplishes the same end, does it not? :slight_smile:

Hi cluelessuser,
The example I used was for iexplore.exe

All you have to do is follow the same instructions and simply substitute Firefox or any
other program which accesses the internet to reduce it’s rights.

Hope that helps.

Yes. It’s the same.
The way you’re choosing you’re using an user (non-admin) account.
DropMyRights allow the same without the ‘creation’ of this user account, just using access rights policies.