Question ref. Outlook Express & Avast!


The problem I have seems to be a very common problem with other Avast users, but I can’t seem to find the correct answer (even though I have read through the FAQ section and support forums).

I simply want to know what I need to do to get my Outlook Express 6 to work correctly through my Avast antivirus. Currently it says, “The provider is waiting for a subsystem to start”. I can’t seem to progress beyond this point. Obviously I must be overlooking something very simple. There is no sign or indication whatsoever that Avast is currently checking my incoming e-mails for viruses.

Many thanks for your assistance!

Ron Fields, Katy, Texas!

Operating system-WINDOWS ME
Version of avast!-4.6
Basic hardware configuration-PENT. III
Other security software-NORTON ANTISPAM

If I understand right your guestion, I think you must change some setups from Avast. Only Win 2000, NT and Win XP is automatically added in Avast Email protect.

Click the blue ball with right button from your mouse and choose backround and then click EMAIL and make some changes.

If everything is okay you see the blue ball rolling and also there must be small “letter icon” when you run your email program and when messages scanning is process. If not see, then there´s something wrong. Try to send message to your self and watch Properties/Details if there´s notice about Inbound and Outbond scanning with Avast.

Sorry my louse English !

  1. Use the correct provider to check your email.

OE requires the Internet Mail provider and not the Outlook/Exchange (which is for MS Outlook).

Terminate the Outlook/Exchange provider, ensure that the Internet Mail provider is started.

Have you run the Mail Protection Wizard? - your email program must be closed/exited before you run this.


Many thanks for the response to my question, I do appreciate it.

I have tried doing as you suggested in regards to my e-mail problem, but I have no idea where the E-mail protection wizard is located (I have never heard of it before).

I don’t know if it makes a difference or not, but I am running Windows ME.


Ron (Katy, Texas)

With Win98, WinMe (non-NT OSes) you need to run the Mail Protection Wizard.
Windows taskbar, Start > Programs > avast! Antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard.

See the avast help file ‘Setting up the Mail Protection’ for further information.

I cannot see either Mail Protection Wizard with win2000.
Btw, there´s no Help file either :frowning: Windows says that it´s removed or something :frowning:
What on earth happened ?!

Have win2k and can’t send any large files (bigger than 1.2mgs) I have to close avast and then all is well. This is a problem and would like to have someone give me the directions for fixing this problem.
Many thanks in advance.

A workaround (not a solution): disable smtp scanning into Internet Mail provider (and/or Outlook plugin), boot, test if you can send the file.
Which is the file extension?
Are you sure it’s not a server (ISP) limitation? For instance, can you send a small file with the same extension?

Sorry about putting same msg. X2.
Will try what you have suggested and let you know.
Many thanks


as DavidR mentioned, the email scanning of Avast differs in the Windows 9x systems (Win98 & WinMe) from the Windows NT based systems ( Win NT, Win 2000 & Win XP).

The Mail Protection Wizard is not made available in the Win NT systems since it is not needed, that is why you cannot find it.


your problem does not seem to have much to do with the problem for which this thread was created … to avoid confusion it would probably be best to start a thread for your specific problem. When you do perhaps you can let us know which mail client you are using.