Question regarding SIM Change notification

Recently my phone was stolen, I waited a few days before the SIM gets replaced.
So far it successfully sent a “lost phone” message to the number I’ve registered so I was able to get the new SIM’s phone number and my IMEI.

My question is what if it changes its SIM again? Can the anti-theft still detect the new SIM and send a “lost phone” message along with the phone number?
This is the only way I can retrieve my phone so I don’t wanna lose the thief/founder’s number
thank you so much in advance for you help.

yes, it still send the new phone number :).

that’s a relief. thank you so much ;D

You’re welcome. If you need more help, feel free to post it in forum ;).

tell us how the story continues! :slight_smile:

Ola boa tarde, tenho um atrix com 02 chips, e o avast so reconhece um como chip ativo, como coloco p ele reconherce os 02 chips?

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Thanks ;).