Hi everyone. I’m very new to Avast. Great program so far. Obviously this also means I’m brand new here as well.
Very short version: I think I have a virus. The program itself does not return ANY hits on any search engine anywhere.
Shorter version:
I have a program, vwm33.exe, that is located in C:\WINDOWS/System32\vwm33.exe. I am running Windows XP Pro (Was on SP1, after all this I finally made the jump to SP2). It wants internet access. It ends up running up to 10 times in Task Manager Processess after the computer has been on a few hours.
I think it’s a virus, but no one has ANY information about it nor do any programs have a problem with it.
What’s the best next step for me to try to find out what this is?? Should I go ahead and send it in under that virus@avast address, or is there a better next step?
The Full Long Version:
A while ago, I got a notice from Zone Alarm that a program vwm33.exe is trying to access the internet.
I of course said ‘Uhhh… NO!’.
Did a google search. Zero hits. Tried a few other places. Zero hits. Ran Ad-Aware and Spybot. They have no problem with the file. Ran AVG - no problem with the file (All of the above were most recent version/updates).
Had a friend come over who knows this stuff much better than I. He did some registry work, found some Search Assistant stuff in the registry which may/may not have been a result of the vwm file. Those are cleaned out.
He ALSO found that now vwm33.exe was suddenly cleared through Zone Alarm for internet access!
Since then, it has not come off the deny list for zone alarm.
He tried installing Norton - that froze up. We ran CW Shredder, just to check. That ran fine, didn’t have a problem with the vwm file.
Avast also has no problem with this file.
Nowadays, after the computer is on a while, I’m finding that bringing up task manager and looking in processes, vwm33 is running now an average of 5-10 times after a couple hours.
I’ve had some wierd computer issues since this. VERY long startup and shutdown times (30 seconds or so from the desktop showing up until the icons appear… 1 minute + to shutdown) and some other things.
If I wanted to find out if this REALLY actually IS a virus, what should I do? Does anyone have any information on this file? Has anyone else seen it?
By the way, if you now go do a Google search for the filename, it’ll bring up the other site where I brought this up a while ago. It’s the gaming board I frequent.
Thank you if anyone can offer any insight.