
Have a little problem here that Ive not been able to find a fix for. Im using Windows 98 SE and Freecell will not work unless I disable On-Access Protection. Otherwise I get nothing but a white screen in the game. Havent installed anything else recently. Anyone have a clue what I can do about this? Yeah yeah… its just a goofy game lol… but help lol

Using 4.1 Home Edition… all else seems to be working fine. Did have a problem with Microsoft Streets and Trips, but I reinstalled it and its fine now.

Try to reinstall the game(s).
control panel > add/remove programs > windows components
It may work.

been there, done that… it didn’t work. :-\

Ahh, FreeCell again :frowning:
If possible, can you try to disable only some resident providers (e.g. stop P2P Shield, stop Instant Messaging protection…) and check if it helps (instead of disabling the whole on-access protection)? I would like to know if some of the resident providers are more “guilty” than the others…

Then, check this thread, please.

Additionally, can you tell me what other programs you have running? (especially something “system-wide”… anti-spyware tools, some kind of monitors, …)

Hiya Igor, and ty for trying to help out. You musta read my mind in the first part of your reply. I tried that as well. Tried closing just one provider at a time and opening Freecell. The only one that has an effect on it is stopping the Standard Shield. Another little quirk that I didnt mention earlier is that after closing the Standard Shield and opening Freecell it WILL open, however any options previously set are no longer set.

Okay, on to the thread… I followed it, followed the instructirons per the Stackne proggie (( assume that is where you were leading me too )) … Nope it didnt work either.

Other programs… hummmm … Adaware, tuneup Utilities.

Heres another little kink in this for ya … I have another computer in the house … same Operating System… same software installed on it … and you guessed it… Freecell works fine and always has with Avast.

same amount of ram? and all the rest of the hardware configurations???

No… so of course this means something on this system is causing the problem… Freecell was working fine… I’ll admit Im ad addict… I installed Avast and the problem started immediately. I havent been able to find anything online anywhere to help me with this… Freecell does load up… but when I click on PLAY the Freecell screen goes completely white.

I have the free Ad-aware- so its not monitoring the system… I dont have any firewall software… router has its own firewall…

I realize this is probably a software conflict of some sort and although I can just simpley disable Avast when I wanna play the darned game, theres the part of me that says “NO this has to work correctly and is some other problem going to pop up elsewhere with other software”

Hmm, I wonder if one of your memory sticks might be bad possibly causing this problem?

::slight_smile: its not the mem

Maybe not enough memory on the computer that has a problem? ???

no… the computer that doesnt have the problem has half the memory that the computer that DOES have the problem has lol

ive opened up and played around with every single program installed on this system this afternoon/evening and they all work fine… Nothing else is effected… only Freecell.

i have hardly anything loading up in startup… i run defrag, scandisk, yada yada… keep the registry, everything clean/neat/tidy… system runs fast and well… never locks up… have used computers since 1980… remember the old Atari 1200XL? lol

Its only a simple lil card game… but the geek in me wants to find out why its screwing up with avast installed


problem still exists. Using 4.5.514 now System has new hard drive since way back when I first asked this question, and was not loaded with a backup… fresh install of all programs, drivers, etc.

The only way to use the game is to disable the standard shield.

Ive gone thru all of Microsofts Help site on this… to no avail…

shrugs… must be some odd little quirk…

As I had said before… it works on this system until Avast is installed, and after installation the standard shield has to be disabled in order to use the game at all.

okay , now this is odd.

Writing this in case someone else down the road does a search for Freecell in here.

I just decided to try something, and it worked this time.

Anyways. I opened Freecell… Once again when trying to start a new game got the white screen in it.

Closed the game.

Disabled the Standard Sheild in Avast.

Opened the game… it worked.

While the game was open I re-enabled the standard shield in Avast.

Game continued to work.

Closed the game… reopened. still worked.

Rebooted the system… Opened game again… it works…

All that work and all that time and it turns out to be another one of those computer Gremlins. ;D