
If avast detects a virus is it best to delete the file?

Never delete a file. At best send it to the virus chest where you can run it again to make sure it is not a F/P.

Clean, quarantine or delete

Is Avast! still capable of cleaning a virus ? The few times I have applied that option. Avast! has always been unable to do so.

Did You read about what files that Can be cleaned?

Yes, Virus.

•Clean: attempts to remove the infection from the file. This is only pertinent to virus behavior, wherein a legitimate file has been ‘infected’ with non-legitimate (usually viral) code.

I imagine that the ones I tried were not ligitimate file, just a virus.

Like system files that are infected with viral code…feks from a file infector
not easie, just Ask Essexboy

Anyway i think this was something that was easier with older virus, the one of today are more tricky

That is what I meant. Time ago, more than 6 or 7 years, Avast! cleaned a file in my nephew’s PC. I had tried it a couple of times on friends 's comps without success. I thought it was because today viruses are more complex.

BTW. Have you tried the new Virus Removal Tool by Sophos:

And I have totally kidnapped HS2234’s thread. I appologize.

This is my advice if Avast! or other security program alerts you of an infection. Do not panic. Do not rush to delete, remove, erase the file or use a file cleaner like CCleaner to clean your temps. Take note of the name and location of the file. Google it or send it to:

To be scanned by 40 or more AVs and then with all the information you have gathered look for expert help here at Viruses and Worms:

Ok suppose I dont care whether it is a F/P or not… should I delete it or will ir screw up my comp

Don’t delete it just move it to the virus chest ( quarentine ) where it won’t hurt your comp. Keep it there for a couple of weeks to make sure everything is working right with your progs and OS and then you can delete it from the chest.

That depends what the file is fore…
And if You delete, it Can be to late When You find out…

If it is a file You download from the net, then it is not something your computer will miss

If it is a system related file or driver I would recommend that you get some advice first before quarantining