Hello guys,
I did read the following link:
But some itens I dont have any idea what they mean…
1- added new unpacker “droppers” (by default turned on in all tasks including the real time scanner)
—> I never heard about a dropper unpacker? Its means that now Avast is able to open the droppers malwares and see what they are going to drop (unpacking it)?
2- added the possibility of sending of statistical information about detected viruses
—> How it works? Its invisible for user? Or the user fill some form when his avast founds a Malware?
3- improved the submission from the Virus Chest (now based on HTTP protocol)
—> Asking again for this version: Whats better now, send new samples by the virus chest or by Email? They have the same priority? Whats easier for the analists?
4- added a component for gathering of new samples from exploited pages
—> What it exactly does? How it works? Its invisible for the user?
5- Network Shield: added a component for blocking of malware URLs
—> How do I report new malwares URLs?
Thanks for your time and Patience!