After the false positive incident on 12/3, about 12-15 files were moved over to the chest. After reviewing the contents, it appears that most of the files were minor files such as downloaded screensavers, some Adobe files, etc. My computer also appears to be functioning fine. When the alerts were going on however, I did notice a file listed as “systemsoundsettings” (cannot remember exact name) that was supposedly infected and this was supposedly moved to the chest. I don’t see any file like this listed in there now. Last night I noticed that when I adjust the volume using the button on my computer (Dell Inspiron, Windows XP Home), that the volume “icon” no longer pops up on my screen so there is no way to see how low or high the volume is. So- I’m pretty sure that the file needed to make this function normally was moved to the chest. How do I find this file if it is not blatently listed in the chest?
I have also run a virus scan on all files in the chest. Next to each file there is a “no virus” message. I assume that this means it is completely safe to try and either restore or extract these files. Is that correct? When I hit, “restore” on each of these files though, it doesn’t appear to be working at all. Nothing appears to happen. I right click, select “restore” and there is no messaging displayed and the file still remains in the chest. I’ve checked the original locations of the files and they are still not there. Is this normal?
I am a pretty basic user and am very new to avast so I’m sorry if these questions are elementary. Thank you.