Questions about warnings, silent mode, and sound

Hello here, expat from MSE (would not remember exceptions on a false positive every time) and was wondering a few things about Avast.
First, if I set info and update boxes to 0 seconds, they won’t appear, correct? In addition, if I’m in silent mode operation, if I’ve told one of the shields to ask me what to do, will it ask me anyways? This is my preferred behavior. Also, if silent mode is set, will avast make sounds, or will they be silenced as well?

Side note, the forums look terrible in HTTPS unless you “Allow insecure content” and gives a nice
in the URL bar. Super minor complaint, but I just thought I’d mention it.

Setting things to zero will actually make then always appear. Lowest number is 1. Sounds cab be disabled via settings.

Darn. Is there a way to turn off certain notifications but not all of them?

You can turn off the updater notification that’s about it. The others you shouldn’t see at unless your malware testing. Whats the big deal anyways? All mine are set to 5 seconds. If your a gamer then use gaming mode when in full screen.