Hello Everyone,
Zemana Cloud AntiMalware, anyone uses this program, please? I have Malwarebytes Pro installed, any conflict with Zemana Cloud AntiMalware, please?
While I am on the discussion about Zemana, anyone uses their AntiLogger program, please? I am looking for a very good AntiLogger program to protect my computer while shopping and banking online. There is so much bugs, viruses, etc on the web and will get worst. I really need programs that will stop anyone from getting my info, etc. Please any help, recommendations on what programs I need to keep my computer safe, especially what I had mentioned above banking and shopping online. You are the best, highly educated in all types of security programs, are from all over this world of ours. I am not that lucky to have the knowledge you all have, but I do try to answer some of the questions in this forum about Avast Internet Security.
If you have other suggestions in different security programs I should install, please feel free to post them.
Thanks for your time and have a Great evening or day, where ever you are located in the World.