Questions on some settings

I just installed the newest free version of Avast (7.1.2286) and saw some settings that I want to understand more. These are on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 or both 32 and 64-bit

Q1 - In Settings > General > Status Monitoring > my question is the option “Definitions auto updates”. On all my systems it is unchecked, but should it not? What is “Definitions auto updates”? I get what Virus definitions and program version, but that last one eludes me

Q2 - In Settings > Update > Program > some of my systems have “Manual update” bubbled while others have “Ask when an update is available”. Can someone explain the differences in what we will see for both?

Thanks a lot, the new version is very clean looking. Awesome

  1. Checks if your auto VPS-updates enabling should be monitored/reported in the status screen.
  2. Manual means you have to start the update yourself and won’t get a notification about it. Ask means, well you get asked when a new update is available.

Thanks Asyn for the quick reply. This means since the systems were all unchecked that leaving it that way is fine

For the update for whatever reason why some of my systems had “manual” while the others had “Ask” I will set accordingly.

Again, thanks

You’re welcome.