Questions on Web Store Purchase of Avast 7 AV Pro

Been using Avast Free for ages.
Newb to the Pro

Two questions:

  1. I made the purchase 24 hours ago. The transaction cleared my bank. Yet no confirm email or invoice.
    Should I have gotten an email by now? (yes, I checked Spam folder - no mail)

  2. I was looking to purchase a 3 PC 1 Year License, but did not see any option for bulk rate pricing. So I put in for Quantity -3 1 PC 1Year Licenses. Does Avast not provide disocunted multiple PC licenses? Or did I miss something?


1.yes contact avast

  1. see here on the right side…where the price is…just under the numbers there is a “More options” link

Thanks Pondus!

You may have just saved me a bunch of $$ too.