Quick and Full System Scans stuck at 0%

Late today every time I tried to do a full system scan the percentage got stuck at 0%. Quick scans were able to be completed, however now both scans are not moving past 0%. I tried repairing Avast and that didn’t work. I also uninstalled and reinstalled Avast and that hasn’t solved the issue. Any help would be appreciated!

Was on Win8.1, admittedly mostly using boot scans, but have ‘upgraded’ to Win10 today and thought I’d scan the system, using latest virus definitions and program, and during a full system scan the progress has remained at 0% for over an hour and a half now, though files on C:\ drive are clicking through the display as though they’re being checked, though there’s very little activity shown by avast! in Task Manager. The program using the disk is Todo backup. Any ideas please?
PS Sorry! False alarm. I think my backups (Todo and Windows) are taking up so much disk speed, that now, three and a half hours into the full system scan, it’s reached 19%.


Even I’ve got issues with the full scan - seems something is wrong.

Working on this old XP Pro SP3 system.

Whilst this is the first Quick scan I have done in this 12.2.2272 Nitro version, the scan does seem to progress reasonably and completes.

I will say that this Quick scan appears to be much slower than my previous experience. I just wonder if this SVC services check was in prior versions or not.

It could be that because it seems slower I actually see/notice it or I generally don’t sit watching any on-demand scan. Not to mention I very rarely actually run an on-demand scan.

This scan - Run-time was 3 minute(s), 3 second(s).
The previous one in April Run-time was 1 minute(s), 1 second(s).
The one before that in January Run-time was 5 minute(s), 5 second(s).

So lots of variations in duration.

Hi David,

I will test the quick scan now and see if it works for me, however, for sure the full scan has some issues.

The reason I noticed was because the scan had ran longer than 2 hours and I kept an eye on the SVC file it was stuck on. It was stuck there for more than 30 mins so I created a dump and stopped the scan.


I just ran a Full scan and that completed without issue and roughly in line with previous full scans - this one if anything was a little quicker at 12 minute(s), 12 second(s) Total size: 93.7 GB. My last one in April of 14 minute(s), 14 second(s) Total size: 102.7 GB, which scanned 9GB more data, so that would be very similar