Quick Question

Q: Being whiney, but went to register (for free home version) and the registration section isn’t even giving me the secure icon… is there a “secure” option?

i don’t think there is one…but is it necessary?..since no credit cards details are used? ???

Just being anal, bothers me that someone could snag some personal info even if it is mundane like addresses and such… you’d be surprised what you can do with a small amount of information.

While obviously no one’s immune from the possibility, I’m sure the Alwil/avast team is extremely cautious about the possibility of their site being hacked and takes appropriate precautions. That’s true of anyone who’s in the business of providing protection software and services.

And I think you’ll find that just about anyone in the a-v field in particular wants to know at least roughly (country or region, at the very least) where you are, so that if you report a virus to them they can keep track (jointly, they mostly cooperate well with each other) of the spread of such things and where they’re most active. Look at the geographical stats readily available at “big-name” sites like Trend, for instance.

We are the big-name, not the others ;D

Now now, Technical, you know what I meant (I hope). :wink: Avast is top-notch of course, both the product and the forums here, but it isn’t as well known “out there” as, say, Symantec etc.

Actually that’s an advantage in some ways – I’d commented on this a while back, but never got any kind of response (that I’m aware of, anyway). Most of the kinds of viruses that specifically target and disable (or even delete) a-v applications don’t seem to recognize avast, and leave it alone to happily and efficiently “do its thing”. :slight_smile:

Mike, of course I was joking… 8) I know what you mean.
Sorry that some applications do not recognize avast… Sorry that they don’t find the forums :cry: