I’m still using Avast Version 2014.9.2021 and just wondering how long this Version will be safe to use.
Thank You.
I’m still using Avast Version 2014.9.2021 and just wondering how long this Version will be safe to use.
Thank You.
Quick answer: No-one knows.
I’m sure someone knows.
God knows the answer…
Thank you DJBone. I know He does and wish He would tell me the answer.
No really, no-one knows.
There is a thread here somewhere where avast is explaining it.
Why not update to v2015 and get the latest technologies?
I would kind of like to update to Version 2015 but I’ve read posts where some people are having problems with that Version so I’m afraid to update.
There are also many who are very happy with the latest release.
The glass can either be half full or, half empty.
I updated last evening.