Quick Scan can't scan boot record; Error 87

I’m receiving a constant warning when quick scanning with the current free version of Avast that “Some Files Could not be Scanned”; specifically “Disk\?\Volume{long alphanumeric string}{+}{+} Boot Record” with the message “Error: The Parameter is Incorrect (87)”.

This only occurs on a quick scan, not a full scan, which comes up as clean. Malwarebytes also pronounced a clean bill of health. There hasn’t been a noticeable slowdown of the computer or any of the things I normally associate with trouble (odd behavior, blue screens, strange processes running, etc.)

Running CHKDSK produced no change. I then ran a boot scan, which came up with Win64:BullSave-B [Adw] and Win64:Adware-C [Adw], and seems to have removed them. However, the warning has persisted.

Searching this site, I found https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=153635.0 which seemed a similar problem, down to the Samsung SSD and separate HDD. That thread doesn’t seem to reach a resolution, though.

I’d be grateful for any assistance in determining the cause of the issue, and whether or not it is a problem moving forward

here it was fixed with CHKDSK


Thanks for the reply.

I had already tried CHKDSK, with no success. A second pass has produced no more.

Any other thoughts?

see instructions here https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0
scroll down to Farbar Recovery Scan Tool … run it and attach diagnostic logs

Attached, thanks.

Log expert is notified and will be online tomorrow after work hours european time :wink:

I believe that this is related to the way that the SSD and hardrive work together and as such is not a problem