Please start a New Topic of your own here (click the New topic button at the top of the page see image) and we will try to help.
Explain what it is that you are doing when you experience the BSOD and as much information about the BSOD as you collected from the BSOD info.
Yes, I am using Version 6.0.1289 with the latest virus definitions. Here is what my minidump says:
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswSP.SYS
Probably caused by : hpt374.sys ( hpt374+a04d )
Here is my thread - I hope it will make it easier for the next person to find a solution if I ever find a solution to fix my BSOD problem.
Users can’t delete posts, even their own, only moderators can do that.
But given user name it could well be a spammer, having posted you would get notification email. If it was a spammer then that post will most likely have been removed, so that would probably be why you can’t see it.