quick scan causes bluescreen in hpt374.sys

hello there,

i have a strange problem which made me nervous a few days.

one of our customers came with an older system with an integrated highpoint-controller (hpt374). for some reason the system died with a bsod.

after some searching we found out that the avast!-scan when hitting the hpt374.sys forces the system to die.

we can reproduce that behaviour on with a fresh clean installation on another system with a highpoint-controller.

our solution for the moment is to use a different scanner, but we want use avast!

is there someone with something same? thanks for your help.

greetings marco.

You mean the machine bluescreens when an on-demand scan, possibly just the right-click scan of that particular file, reaches this sys file?

Could you upload the corresponding minidump file (should be in C:\Windows\Minidump) to ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming

hello igor,

thanks for your answer. i send the “minidump_machines_HPT374.zip” to your server.

happy investigating :wink:

hopefully you can find an explanation.

greetings marco.

I have a similar problem. Any explanation found?

Explain what it is that you are doing when you experience the BSOD and as much information about the BSOD as you collected from the BSOD info.

Is your problem REALLY related to hpt374.sys?
because this bug in anti-rootkit scan was already fixed, do you use the latest antivirus version, right?

Yes, I am using Version 6.0.1289 with the latest virus definitions. Here is what my minidump says:
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswSP.SYS
Probably caused by : hpt374.sys ( hpt374+a04d )

Here is my thread - http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=85791.0 I hope it will make it easier for the next person to find a solution if I ever find a solution to fix my BSOD problem.

Thanks, this should be fixed in next VPS update.

I got an email that says:
A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching by shoes5183.

But I don’t see any replies by shoes5183 here? Is there an option to delete posts made by users?

Users can’t delete posts, even their own, only moderators can do that.

But given user name it could well be a spammer, having posted you would get notification email. If it was a spammer then that post will most likely have been removed, so that would probably be why you can’t see it.