I’ve got desknow email server running on my media center PC.
Is it possible to get Avast to quietly delete infections when found so as to not interrupt my TV viewing ?
Thanks in advance,
These advanced automated options are only available in the Pro version.
You only have a limited option in the Home (free) version, to send the infected file to the virus Chest (silent mode, with general answer no, see below).
My own feeling on this is you should use the default interactive action (I appreciate you don’t want to be disturbed but if this is such a regular occurrence you need to take other measures). This way you know exactly what is going on with your system. If you are getting so many warnings, that you want to automate this process, I believe you should review your security practice - filter emails at source, delete from server rather than download them, review the sites they visit, etc.
See the avast help file, Resident Protection: Internet Mail Provider Settings - “Advanced” Page.
Click on Internet Mail and then on Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and select Silent Mode and the General answer No.
Thanks, not got many alerts yet, but I do get about 150 spam a day to review, just assumed that some of them would be virus infected.
I’m on dial-up so I don’t want to download spam so it can be analysed so I use an anti-spam program MailWasher Pro, this is excellent as it only downloads a very small part of the email (user defined), no attachments It then flags spam for deletion you can monitor this and change or add to the spam detections and it learns from flagging emails for learning.
I now have an accuracy level in the very high 98+% but best of all it deletes from the server so you don’t have to download it and avast has less to scan. Whilst it is designed as an anti-spam it can identify some viruses, but you will be able to flag suspicious emails for deletion also. I run that before downloading any email.
There is a free version but that only deals with one email account, there are also a number of other anti-spam tools, many freeware.
sounds like thats what I should be doing, except I want access to emails from work, and personal email websites are blocked from work (except a personal copy of desknow email server that is ;D )
Thanks for the help!
No problem, welcome to the forums.