In the changelog for version 5.0.16 was written :“AMS PREMIUM FEATURES ARE FREE AND ALWAYS WILL BE!” and that it contains features which in previous versions were only paid but nowbthey are completly free for all users.
How to understand this? Which ate these free features?
Don’t take it literately.
Yes, ams premium has gone.
Yes, ams is now free and it has more options/features than the previous free version.
No, it doesn’t have all features/options the premium version had.
Just to name two :
There is no firewall
There are no log files
They are planned in new(er) versions though.
maybe there were more, I can’t really remember, but App Locking was Premium for sure. The other one is a part of Privacy Advisor, which is coming back (with even better insight) in a few versions. Firewall was free even in AMS4 if I remember correctly.
Hi, neither Firewall nor the Activity Log were Premium features - you could have found them in the free version as well.
If I am not mistaken, the Premium features were: app locking for an unlimited number of apps (only 2 app locks in the free version), ad detector, password check, geo-fencing, remote control of your device and some extended options for the Backup.
So, actually all useless stuff… the same with the link posted by Eddy in relation to the list of the preminum features. There is nothing about this.
Is can not be true that Avast makes advertising to a product and is can not describe its features included
Actually, I think we are talking here more about Anti-Theft module and it’s premium features. AMS itsefl is supported by ads, but you have feature rich Premium Anti-Theft module