R.I.P. Web of Trust

Hi malware fighters,

Re: http://msinfluentials.com/blogs/jesper/archive/2009/10/13/web-of-trust-rip.aspx
and re: https://siteseal.thawte.com/support/index.html?page=content&id=SO12658
This because of conflicting issues with the makers of Verisign…
Has this also consequences for the WOT add-on for Fx, Chrome etc.? re: http://www.mywot.com/
Or is that something quite different?


no I think the info is not accurate; got myself a mail from Thawte this morning telling me that their free mail certificates system would be discontinued on Nov 16…doesn’t mean that WOT is going as well; WOT has other applications like this extension now usable in Google Chrome. It’s just the combination of Thawte+WOT that’s taking an end. I might be wrong about the future of WOT but I always thought they were independent…their future is not bound to Verisign’s decisions.

I was confused when Logos or nmb came up with the topic of Web of Trust. So, I checked wikipedia and found they have totally different origins. WOT: Web of Trust

Which is, if polonus wasn’t being too rhetorical.

could also be that WOT, as associated with Thawte certificates (notaries system etc…), has nothing to do with the WOT company…

confirming (?): it has nothing to do. So there never was any company associated with Thawte for the free mail cert validation, it’s Thawte themselves that chose the acronym.


edit: it’s not clear if the two WOT have really two completely different origins…can’t find a real confirmation
see here: