Random Shutdows?

Hey- Any of you remember me? ::slight_smile:

Anyway, My laptop randomly shuts down at random times. I can be doing whatever then the screen goes black and just shutdowns. When I reload the computer it brings back what ever was open. But sometimes the blue screen appears and stuff and no work is saved.

My laptop is HP (Probably the worst company) I have had very bad experiences with it…


Husk, please send me couple of your latest minidump files (\Windows\Minidump).

Pondus thanks :slight_smile: but google gives 1000 different answers

pk - Theres nothing in my minidump folder? :(? :)?

EDIT: haha oops wrong computer, uploading now

Cleaning case openings:
Dust in laptop & how to clean it:

Thanks kenny, Ill see what i can do with cleaning it


ha, did you find them? ;D
All minidumps point to EagleNT.sys driver problem (it should be part of HackShield - do you use such tool?).

well I play Flyff + Combat Arms which use Hackshield as a hacking stopper thingy

My computer was doing that shutdown too, but geeky hubby found it to be a cause from a loosened MB fan (Intel plug and play). He took that out and replaced it with a fan that requires screwing in. No problem now.

Yes, be sure that your fans are relatively free of dust. Can’t remind public enough of this little job that can save lots of time and trouble in the end.

Well I tried it… I couldn’t actually get the bottom off hehe. I managed to get 2 panels off and blew into them. The screws were to tiny to get out :frowning:

Anyway, I just have to wait and see if its gonna still have problems

Yeh its still happening alot. Guy at store said to make sure theres enough power getting to it but its plugged in thats all i can do

It came up with blue screen this time, then it shutdown half way though memory dump -.- Then I turned on and a message said ‘Interactive Logon process initilization has failed. Please Consult event log for more details’ (This has crashed a few times before)

Got reply from HackShield support:

We have a plan to releae new HS SDK the end of this week. 
This version of HS module would be added a bug fix which you reported us.
We will distribute it from the end of this week.
But it will be taken a time that our all customer would be applied.

Still sounds like the laptop is suffering from some over-heating problems.

Well I tried it... I couldn't actually get the bottom off hehe. I managed to get 2 panels off and blew into them. The screws were to tiny to get out

I’d get a smaller screwdriver ;D

Taking the panel off and cleaning the heatsinks and fans by yourself will be a lot cheaper than having someone fix it for you, or purchasing a new computer.

Also, when you first turn your computer on, the fans should spin up to full speed or close to it. If you can, put your hand near the vents and feel for airflow. If you don’t feel anything, it’s a problem…

According to Husk’s four minidumps, his shutdowns were caused by HackShield driver. Anhlab company confirmed it and they’ll fix it in next update.

However, I agree with keeping PC clean, one of my desktop shutdowns repeatedly last days, CPU was overheated (almost 85’C) and CPU fan doesn’t keep up with it ::).

Well thank you so much for doing that :smiley: but… I already took my computer in. :frowning:

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

I think it was always around 85º though :stuck_out_tongue: even after the first few days i got it playing games it got hot quick.

I sure hope that’s in Fahrenheit… :o

Ok, will i have to pay the people for them fixing it? Considering it’s not my doing, or is it ???

And I’m not sure if thats farenheit or not ^^ it does get pretty hot

Well, it’s not like the people that you have fixing it won’t charge you because it’s not your fault. I mean, someone has to pay to put a part in your computer, or pay the technician to open it up and figure out what the problem is to begin with, right?

If it had a warranty, and you were at an authorized repair shop, then no, I wouldn’t expect that you’d have to pay for anything.