Just a question about how you earn your rank here in the tech forum.
Is it ALL based on the number of posts so that when you reach a number of posts say…500 or 1000…you are upgraded to the next level automatically by some automated computer? ???
I’m curious to know how it works and how you can increase your rank.
Know that… I don’t believe that a persons rank automaticaly determines their self-worth here at the support forum. Rank does give you an initial impression of that persons worth in tech support…but sometimes that’s not always the case as proven below.
I’ve found a few new users here that have only posted a few posts that have completely amazed me by their technical knowledge in dealing with avast .ini settings…silent installs… hiding notification info and MUCH more! ;D
I’m interested to know all about the ranking system and how important it is to this forum.
Welcome to the forum. You are essentially correct.
Ranking is assigned by the number of posts made to the forum and runs on a graduated scale.
Normal users run up yellow stars, whereas Moderators have Green stars with Administrators…Gold (I think) and Global Moderators … Blue.
Ranking is not as important to most of us as the service we provide to our users. The number of posts and thus “ranking” only indicates activity and participation but is not a direct indicator of knowledge or expertise in an area of the forum.
Awhile back we had the Karma system which was an informal rating system. The higher Karma meant that users were very satisfied with the help offered. Unfortunately that system was discontinued for reasons that will not be discussed.
I also know about the dark issue of the once known karma system. :-X
I thought however that the higher the karma…the user was UN-helpful…or had to cool his/her jets and stop doing something he/she was doing on the forum?
How was karma ever a good thing?
Anyways… that was not my original question and does not need to be discussed.
I don’t want to get in trouble! Nevertheless… ???
I only wanted to talk about the other stuff I mentioned.
I think Some users do look at rank to determine how helpful a person is. However I have found Newbies and jr. members more helpful than some evangelists. Like lady Yuna for example :-*
I thought however that the higher the k@rma....the user was UN-helpful...or had to cool his/her jets and stop doing something he/she was doing on the forum?
How was k@rma ever a good thing?
Anyways… that was not my original question and does not need to be discussed.
Just for edification, k@rma was good and was awarded by the readers when they thought the poster was being helpful. But the downside was people could also take away the poster’s k@rma if they though that the poster was being UN-helpful or offensive, etc. This eventually caused problems so the system was removed. :o
I am just mentioning this so that you and other readers won’t think that posters who have high k@rma’s are UN-helpful, when in reality, they are helpful. The k@rma’s acquired before the system was stopped remained anyway. :
I’m glad to see many people here don’t base a users self worth… souley on rank. Becasue I do believe as indicated by my original post that this is completely false and misleading to other new users.
I do take rank into consideration from time to time, but I find even a newbies postings to be just as helpful to me as somebody who is higher up there in the ranks. 8)
I now see how the karma thing used to work… and I agree there was a big problem there with revenge and bitter spite against another user… I’m glad it was removed. I had it backwards… I thought the more karma you had, the “naughtier” the person was! :o
I basically look at a topic that sounds interesting to me, read the posts, see if I can be of any help or if the topic can help me. I can’t remember if I ever look at how many posts someone has. :
Well, i am totally new to these forums, Avast or others, and i can tell you i have spent a few hours now, ramdomly picking on a forum and reading. From the little bits i have read, i have got to say that you are all good at what you do, rank or no rank. As you all have the grand motivation to assist others at no cost to others, whether it was a success or not, that in itself is the greatest gift. congrats to you all and keep up the great work… ;D
Thank you for the welcomes and encouragements. Although I must admit that I am no technical guru or less but I will take up your offer to stay tune, learn from you all and hopefully offer help where i believe that i can and ask for some in return. Thank again for making me feel welcomed.
PS. i cant believe i found a forum like this at an AV product site… haha last time i chated over forum mail was back when the Internet was just a dream and bulletin board was the force to be reckoned with… hehe have a wonderful day people.
Thank you Steele, Technical and Cojo for the orsm welcoming. i am lost for words…
Thank you for your compliment and as you have said Steele, every bit helps, in IT or in life. Dull minds bitches about the past but open minds talk of ideas… and rank is only a place we are at in life. I look forward to exchange ideas with you all and learn.
Mate… i feel like i have been in this forum for years already… hahaha thank you again… i would like to take the opportunity to say a G’day to you all as any Aussie would say it to one another in a friendly greeting. if i dont know any better i would ask you all to give me some of what you all are having… hehe but alas, if i did then i would have splashed impurity to the people who have been so nice to embrace my arrival.
as i have said i have not been involved in a forum since the BBS days and i sure am glad that i chanced upon Avast! and to think that Avast was only a great AV tool and site. now i realise it is the people behind it that makes it what it is.
lovely to meet you all and i hope i can be as friendly to any other new comer to this wonderful corner of the world.