RansomFree, a new free tool to protect against ransomware

Hi guys :slight_smile:

Security company Cybereason has released a new free tool RansomFree to protect you against ransomware.
It is behavioral based, so it should protect you against new/unknown ransomware as well.


For more information see https://www.cybereason.com/labs-blogcybereason-introduces-free-behavioral-based-ransomware-blockin

Greetz, Red.

Better late than never. :slight_smile:

It’s tough to be first in the avast forums :wink:

Bob is a little older than me, so a little slower as well :stuck_out_tongue: ;D

Greetz, Red.

Fact is that it doesn’t protect to to all unknown/new ransomware because it is simply not possible.

Do they know how new malware will work or can they know that ?
No ofcourse not unless they are the creators of it :wink:

This is like a doctor saying I have a cure for all diseases that will appear in the feature.