RansomWare attack and prevention measures


Ive done some research on the recent ransomware attack but nothing has come to light.
Did the attack only target Windows XP users? Does that mean if you are running winsows 8.1 and windows 10 you are fine? Also. does the attack just infect your computer or how did it infect the computers so what can i do to stop it happening to me, unless it was only on windows XP.


Hi, see: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=202339.0

No clue how you did your research…
There are thousends of pages telling about it, including on what systems can be affected, how the attack works etc.


Does it affect windows 10 and windows 8.1?
Does avast pick it up?

Already answered in the other threads.

All Windows versions without the patch are vulnerable.

When was the patch released?

Go read the threads,news sites, the Microsoft site etc.

When you do not do the normal things users do to be protected, that means fully update when updates are available and patch,
this could be a threat on your computer, even windows XP now comes patched.

When you are on a vulnerable system with certain connections to the Internet and have XP installed in a British NHS hospital for instance, because of costs and convenience, you have to send your patients home, cannot perform heart surgery etc. This is bad as bad can be.

Who is to blame, protest should go to the NSA spooks that developed this malware and leaked it to ruthless cybercriminals later.
This people that think they are above the law and believe in a “noble lie” are causing such international predicaments.
We should not love them.


  1. W10 no, W8.1 yes.
  2. Sure.

In March.

Hi Asyn,

The exact date of the patch was March 14th, glad to have it installed.


Hi Pol, you’re good to go then. :slight_smile: Cheers.

We should not hype it as it is common practice nowadays, but the attacks are far from over.
Make a back-up of your network machines, guys. Live up to that advice, please.

But another bunch of people will have a rough awakening when they show up at work coming Monday.
Matthieu Suiche reports new killswitches.

OK, here’s that hash then:


